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Discworld MUD
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1. Nutno vidět

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3. Komerční Strany

//www.snapdragongifts.com - Snapdragon Gifts & WitsEnd Productions, including Discworld quote buttons
//www.co.uk.lspace.org/merchandise/clarecraft/ - Clarecraft models
//www.maloca.com/scifi/1terry.htm - bookshop
//www.the-net-effect.com/abandon-art/discwrld.html - prints
//www.io.com/sjgames/ - Steve Jackson Games

4. Discworld MUD


5. Strany s komentářem


6. DW - hry o Zeměploše

//www.lspace.org - LSpace has hints and tips

7. Newsgroups

//www.cee.hw.ac.uk/~msgrant/ - links to afp regulars

8. Různé stránky se zaměřením

//members.aol.com/robtcowen/guildofpenpals.html - Guild of Pen Pals. E-mail other Pratchett fans!
//www.fandata.com - Fandom Directory
//www.co.uk.lspace.org/fandom/cons/dwcon98/ - Discworld Convention 98
//www.worldcollectorsnet.com/discworld - World Collectors Net
//www.geocities.com/area51/1719/ - Macnet's DEATH page
//www.geocities.com/Area51/Vault/4438 - Ankh-Morpork Tourist Guild
//hotrod.mt.ic.ac.uk/lchristo/kate.html - DW Convention, Sunday Times article etc.
//connexus.apana.org.au/~orin/pterry.html - Trivia Quiz
//www.abdn.ac.uk/~bms030/ - Nanny's Cookbook
//www.concentric.net/~kedamono - Hex
//www.dfi.aau.dk/~massen/nfsegfoot/terry.html - Natural Science
//www.pi.net/~jgmetsel/ - Granny Weatherwax
//www.totalweb.co.uk/krispy/discindex.htm - Nicola's Guide to the Disc

9. Stránky Fandů

//www.geocities.com/Area51/Chamber/5023/ - Graeme McCutcheon's home page
//www.wantree.com.au/~nicol/pratthome.html - Andrew Nicol
http://www.geocities.com/Area51/Rampart/3023/- Overlord's Discworld Page
//www.discworld.com - Mark Carney
//www.geocities.com/Area51/Zone/4465/ - Moonshine's Web
//www.geocities.com/Area51/Corridor/6662/ - Life, The Multiverse...
//hem1.passagen.se/josa99-Ultimate Fantasy Fan-Site
//members.wbs.net/homepages/w/y/r/wyrdsister.html - Wyrd Sisters page

10. Ne anglické strany

//wwwperso.hol.fr/~gremloic/pratchett/pratchett.html - francouykáLSpace
//www.snafu.de/~mcat/Terry/Terry.htm - Německá
//www.spinet.cz/talpress/dw.htm - Česká!
//www.stud.uni-hannover.de/~mreit/disc.htm - Německá
//www.uni-karlsruhe.de/~ukl7/terry.pratchett/terry.html - Německá
